Top things to know before getting an Aussie/Australian Shepherd
just ten facts about Australian Shepherds because I feel like it's helpful and helping me Today to share my experience with you. Before Coming back to the topic I have a Question For You.
How many of You have some Knowledge of Aussie Breed? If Yes, Than I'm very excited to hear about your experience.OR Not...Then Don't worry I'm Already Write an article in which you can get very deep information about
Australian shepherds.
Let's Come to The Topic................
so first things
01) Size Of Australian Shepherd
Australian Shepherds vary in size and they can be anywhere from 35 to 65 pounds so you really have to make sure that you know the size of the parents because that's a huge size difference.
and make sure that you're prepared for it.
02) Life Span Of Australian Shepherd
Australian Shepherds live 12 to 15 years some live longer some live shorter but that's about the average lifespan of an Aussie so you they're a very long time commitment. I mean not too long but you want to make sure that you see yourself in 15 years with your best friend by your side.
03) Work Consistent
Aussies were bred to herd sheep all day long and they like to work constantly. they are always wanting to be active and they're super high-energy because of this with their high-energy you're gonna need to give them an outlet because it's extremely important that they have something to put their mental and physical energy on.
04) Health
I'll still start to have behavioral issues they are so smart and intelligent that they need someplace to have a mental outlet as well so some activities that are good for them swimming, agility, hiking, dog-parks anything that really gets them thinking and working and they're also very good at tricks I mean by eight weeks old he knew sit, shake, play, dead-roll-over, sit, pretty and weight down.
05) Australian Shepherd's are Preservative
Australian Shepherd's are very protective so they will bark and they will let people know that you're their family and they're gonna protect you
06) One-Person/couple Dog
Australian Shepherds are kind of a one-person dog or a specific couple people dog officers very very bonded to me and my sister so he is really true to that and because of this they need a good leader in their life because they're a little stubborn and they really look up to not one person so you're gonna have to be constantly there for them and just make sure that you're leading by example of what dog you want.
07) Standoffish To People
Australian Shepherd actually by nature a little standoffish to people which is not ideal so when they're puppies you're gonna have to socialize them a lot or else this could lead to them becoming scared of people or just a little skittish when they're older.

Last But Not Least
Even though they're called Australian Shepherds they were actually born and bred in America which is kind of interesting and weird so they're completely American breed of dog Ozzy's
don't have tails because they're bobbed or docked this is because when they were herding sheep they didn't need anything that could get in the way and they were working in long mountains and also with
dog breeds like this their tails tend to be thin and long so they're very easily it's just a lot safer to have dog tails with them if you Know Australian Shepherd normally have very long cuts and take a lot of grooming and they come in different beautiful merle colors right since they have a lot of energy they do good with bigger yards and if you don't have as big of a yard you're just gonna have to take them and walk them a lot more frequently um they are not a good apartment talk it's pretty simple.
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